Draw the Search Tree for the Query Magic Hermione

Questions tagged [search-tree]

A tree shaped data structure which allows for storing orderable data so it may be efficiently searched later.

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can the algorithm cost be negative?

I was reading an article and I've found the graph below that represents the algorithm cost, and I was wondering if the values are representing the algorithm cost why they are negative? and what are ...

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2,4 tree with the fewest number of nodes with the given keys

suppose we have a set of keys K = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,..., 15} and we need to build a two four tree out of this such that: CASE1 : the tree has the minimum number of nodes. CASE2 : the tree has the ...

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Creating a custom search strategy with Choco Solver or/and manage the search tree

As part of my research, I have to master choco in depth. I have two options to do with choco solver. I want to create a custom search strategy that will intervene on the order of values and variable. ...

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Why is there logarithm (and the square root) in the UCB formula of Monte Carlo Tree Search?

I studied Monte Carlo Tree Search (UCT) from several sources, like this: http://www.incompleteideas.net/609%20dropbox/other%20readings%20and%20resources/MCTS-survey.pdf However, I didn't understand ...

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Given a B-Tree and its order, is it possible to know a possible order in which the keys have been inserted?

The following order of key insertions : 2,4,6,9,7,3,1,8,5,10 results in the following B-Tree structure: (of order 4) 3 6 9 / | | \ 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 Is there any method to know a ...

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Can a child node be assigned back to its parent node in tree structure?

As title, I'm currently trying to build a tree structure to take my topics/definitions and their related topics/definition into a tree for traversal and further analysis. The data look like this: VR(...

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How to build an n-ary tree having same structure as another created one?

I am trying to build this n-ary tree having the same structure as an already build one (when creating the new tree to be returned i would like to add the child nodes in the same positions as in the ...

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Binary Search Tree in Haskell

I am starting to learn Haskell and therefore I tried to implement a Binary Search Tree. My current code looks like this: data SearchTree = Empty | Node Int SearchTree SearchTree deriving Show ...

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A star Search: Does Manhattan Distance dominate over Number of Missing Tiles for 8-Puzzle?

Considering three heuristics for 8-puzzle: h1(n) = number of misplaced tiles h2(n) = total Manhattan distance h3(n) = max(h1, h2) In an 8-puzzle, I was performing different puzzles and noticed ...

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BST Rotations to make one tree equal to the other

I have this problem: You are given two non-empty binary search tree T1 and T2.T1 and T2 store the same keys. The structure of both trees, however, is different. Implement an algorithm that uses ...

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Finding two trees with the same post- and preorder

I am looking for two different search trees with at least 4 nodes. The trees don't have to have the general search tree attributes. The postorder and preorder from tree A has to be the same as the ...

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Improving Stockfish computation to generate best possible move

I use the stockfish engine to generate the optimal moves in an simulated chess game. I use python-chess to integrate the Stockfish engine in my simulation. At the moment I set the depth of the search ...

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Write entries of a searchtree(non-binary) into a list. (Iterative)

I am trying to write all entries of a search tree into a list. In unchanged order, nodes before children. But I mix the order up somewhere along the way. def n(value, children=[]): return [value,...

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How to calculate the average branching factor on a given tree

Can anyone explain to me, what the value of the average branching factor is if we exclude leaf nodes when computing b? Example: I don't know how to calculate this in the right way :/ Thanks a lot

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Search in associative array by key

I have a set of numbers where each number has a key (ex. {"key1":1, "key2":2}). All the keys are unique. What is the best data structure to store them such that I can search by a key and find the ...

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Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/search-tree

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