Draw the Search Tree for the Query Magic Hermione
Questions tagged [search-tree]
A tree shaped data structure which allows for storing orderable data so it may be efficiently searched later.
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can the algorithm cost be negative?
I was reading an article and I've found the graph below that represents the algorithm cost, and I was wondering if the values are representing the algorithm cost why they are negative? and what are ...
2,4 tree with the fewest number of nodes with the given keys
suppose we have a set of keys K = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,..., 15} and we need to build a two four tree out of this such that: CASE1 : the tree has the minimum number of nodes. CASE2 : the tree has the ...
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0 answers
Creating a custom search strategy with Choco Solver or/and manage the search tree
As part of my research, I have to master choco in depth. I have two options to do with choco solver. I want to create a custom search strategy that will intervene on the order of values and variable. ...
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0 answers
Why is there logarithm (and the square root) in the UCB formula of Monte Carlo Tree Search?
I studied Monte Carlo Tree Search (UCT) from several sources, like this: http://www.incompleteideas.net/609%20dropbox/other%20readings%20and%20resources/MCTS-survey.pdf However, I didn't understand ...
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0 answers
Given a B-Tree and its order, is it possible to know a possible order in which the keys have been inserted?
The following order of key insertions : 2,4,6,9,7,3,1,8,5,10 results in the following B-Tree structure: (of order 4) 3 6 9 / | | \ 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 Is there any method to know a ...
1 vote
0 answers
Can a child node be assigned back to its parent node in tree structure?
As title, I'm currently trying to build a tree structure to take my topics/definitions and their related topics/definition into a tree for traversal and further analysis. The data look like this: VR(...
How to build an n-ary tree having same structure as another created one?
I am trying to build this n-ary tree having the same structure as an already build one (when creating the new tree to be returned i would like to add the child nodes in the same positions as in the ...
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1 answer
Binary Search Tree in Haskell
I am starting to learn Haskell and therefore I tried to implement a Binary Search Tree. My current code looks like this: data SearchTree = Empty | Node Int SearchTree SearchTree deriving Show ...
A star Search: Does Manhattan Distance dominate over Number of Missing Tiles for 8-Puzzle?
Considering three heuristics for 8-puzzle: h1(n) = number of misplaced tiles h2(n) = total Manhattan distance h3(n) = max(h1, h2) In an 8-puzzle, I was performing different puzzles and noticed ...
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1 answer
BST Rotations to make one tree equal to the other
I have this problem: You are given two non-empty binary search tree T1 and T2.T1 and T2 store the same keys. The structure of both trees, however, is different. Implement an algorithm that uses ...
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0 answers
Finding two trees with the same post- and preorder
I am looking for two different search trees with at least 4 nodes. The trees don't have to have the general search tree attributes. The postorder and preorder from tree A has to be the same as the ...
2 votes
0 answers
Improving Stockfish computation to generate best possible move
I use the stockfish engine to generate the optimal moves in an simulated chess game. I use python-chess to integrate the Stockfish engine in my simulation. At the moment I set the depth of the search ...
Write entries of a searchtree(non-binary) into a list. (Iterative)
I am trying to write all entries of a search tree into a list. In unchanged order, nodes before children. But I mix the order up somewhere along the way. def n(value, children=[]): return [value,...
How to calculate the average branching factor on a given tree
Can anyone explain to me, what the value of the average branching factor is if we exclude leaf nodes when computing b? Example: I don't know how to calculate this in the right way :/ Thanks a lot
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0 answers
Search in associative array by key
I have a set of numbers where each number has a key (ex. {"key1":1, "key2":2}). All the keys are unique. What is the best data structure to store them such that I can search by a key and find the ...
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/search-tree
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